Q: I see three types of account, what type should I create?

We have three options to fit everyone, regardless of age or experience. So, whether you are a student or professional, new to investing or a veteran investor, you can create an account and start trading.

Warren Oluwasanya

Last Update för 2 år sedan

  • Pop: This account is for students and NYSC members who are less than 25 years. Pop account holders can make a maximum deposit of N20,000 into their accounts at a time. A maximum of N30,000 can be withdrawn from the account in a day. The maximum account balance at any time is N200,000. 

  • Groove: This account is for young professionals just beginning their investment journey. Groove account holders can make a maximum deposit of N30,000 into their accounts at a time. A maximum of N50,000 can be withdrawn from the account in a day. The maximum account balance at any time is N400,000. 

  • Classic: This account is for investors who want no restrictions. You can make deposits of any amount to your account. There is no maximum withdrawal limit. 

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